
亚洲展讯 | 疏离之境 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇作品展

展名/ Title疏离之境 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇作品展

The Distant Landscape 

- Exhibition of Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu

策展人/ Curator: 方志凌 Fang Zhiling艺术家/ Artists: 尹朝辉 Yin Zhaohui、尹朝宇 Yin Zhaoyu

展览时间/ Duration: 2018.12.15 (Sat.) - 2019.2.3 (Sun.)

开幕式/ Opening2018.12.15 (Sat.) 3:00pm

展览地点/ Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(北京)

Asia Art Center (Beijing)


Dashanzi 798 Art District, No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing

亚洲艺术中心荣幸地宣布将于2018年12月15日至2019年2月3日举办“疏离之境 – 尹朝辉、尹朝宇作品展”。本次展览由方志凌担任策划,较为全面地呈现二位艺术家于近年来关于绘画的思考与创作实践。

尹朝辉 Yin Zhaohui

内境 Inner Land 


布面蛋彩、油画、墨 Tempera, Oil and Ink on Canvas 2018 

尹朝辉 Yin Zhaohui

潮之三 Tide-No.3 

160x160cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2018 

尹朝辉 Yin Zhaohui

蔓松 Pine Tendril 


布面蛋彩、油画、丙烯 Tempera, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 2018 


尹朝宇 Yin Zhaoyu

序幕 Prelude


布面油画、丙烯、拼贴 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, Collage 2018 

尹朝宇 Yin Zhaoyu

家居 Living


布面油画、丙烯、拼贴 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, Collage 2018 


尹朝宇 Yin Zhaoyu

室内景 Interior View


布面油画、丙烯、拼贴 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, Collage 2016-2018  


“疏离之境 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇作品展”是继2008年“夜行 - 当代新锐艺术家联展”之后亚洲艺术中心与策展人方志凌、艺术家尹朝辉、尹朝宇的再度合作。希冀借此展览,呈现二位艺术家近几年的绘画创作与风格形变。






重要策展项目“群贤·白露文慧 - 中国当代艺术邀请展”(华中农业大学艺术馆,武汉,2018)、“群贤·狮山夏至 - 中国当代艺术邀请展”(华中农业大学艺术馆,武汉,2018)、“另一个阿莱夫 - 中德当代艺术对话展暨德美术馆开幕展”(德·美术馆,厦门,2018)、“诗性的共同体 - 厦门自贸区成立一周年国际当代艺术展”(厦门国际邮轮城博乐德艺术空间,厦门,2016)、“不一不异 - 中国青年艺术家试验展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2013)、“风物纪 - 中意青年艺术家对话展”(威内托科技艺术馆,威尼斯,2011)、“70后艺术的十个个案”(香港展览中心,香港,2010)等。


重要编辑出版画册:《纸象 - 尹朝阳的纸上绘画》(四川美术出版社,2015)、《王劼音》(安徽美术出版社,2014)、《木兰溪》(中国美术学院出版社,2012)、《70后艺术的十个个案》(中国经济出版社,2010)等当代艺术画册。


尹朝辉,1977 年出生于河南,2004 毕业于中央美术学院,现工作、生活于北京。


重要个展:“意在寥廓观鸿蒙 – 尹朝辉作品展”(安簃艺术空间,上海,2018)、“静默 – 尹朝辉创作个展”(一票人票画空间,台北,2018)、“兰山木吟 – 尹朝辉新作展”(溥画廊,北京,2017)“心之秘境 - 尹朝辉个展”(东站画廊,香港,2014)、“灵魂的对手 - 尹朝辉个展”(NUOART,北京,2011)。


重要群展:“疏离之境 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“例外状态”(瀚•艺术空间,北京,2018)、“后素”(溥画廊,北京,2017)、“小逻辑 - 当代艺术的语言变化与话语表述”(芳草地画廊,北京,2014)、“在此出发 - 中原国际当代艺术交流展”(河南省美术馆种子艺术画廊,郑州,2011)、“70后艺术的十个个案”(香港展览中心,香港,2010)、“改造历史”(今日美术馆,北京,2010)、“东街新艺术展”(东街画廊,北京,2010)、“隐形的翅膀”(时代美术馆,北京,2010)、“情色制造 - 中国当代艺术邀请展”(山东美术馆,济南,2009)、“未来天空 - 中国当代青年艺术家提名展”(今日美术馆,北京,2008)、“革命在继续 - 来自中国的新艺术”(萨奇画廊,伦敦,2008)、“夜行 - 当代新锐艺术家联展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2008)、“开放 - 夏季群展”(亦安画廊,北京,2008)、“恭喜发财”(亦安画廊,上海,2008)、“尹朝辉、尹朝宇油画作品双个展”(灿艺术中心,北京,2008)、“出发 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇油画作品双个展”(亦安画廊,上海,2008)、“疯狂”(亦安画廊,上海,2007)、“艺术家群展”(亦安画廊,香港,2007)。   





重要群展:“疏离之境 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“例外状态”(瀚•艺术空间,北京,2018)、“后素”(溥画廊,北京,2017)、“隐形的翅膀”(时代美术馆,北京,2010)、“东街新艺术展”(东街画廊,北京,2010)、“未来天空 - 中国当代青年艺术家提名展”(今日美术馆,北京,2008)、“夜行 - 当代新锐艺术家联展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2008)、“尹朝辉、尹朝宇油画作品双个展”(灿艺术中心,北京,2008)、“出发 - 尹朝辉、尹朝宇油画作品双个展”(亦安画廊,上海,2008)、“疯狂”(亦安画廊,上海,2007)、“艺术家群展”(亦安画廊,香港,2007)、“花花世界 - 中国油画新新力量展”(世纪翰墨画廊,北京、上海、广州,2004)、“个性力量 - 新锐艺术家巡回展”(世纪翰墨画廊,北京、上海、广州、武汉,2003)。

The Distant Landscape 

- Exhibition of Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu

Asia Art Center is pleased to announce the opening of The Distant Landscape - Exhibition of Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu on December 15th, 2018. The exhibition is on view through February 3rd, 2019. This Exhibition is curated by Fang Zhiling, it features artists Yin Zhaohui and Yin Zhaoyu's thinking and practice about art creation in recent years.


尹朝辉 Yin Zhaohui

白松之五 White Pine-No.5 

300x200cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2014 

Looking at Yin Zhaohui's more recent works, his art explorations have had noticeable changes. This change first appeared as lines that has a traditionally Chinese undertone. The delicate and long lines have always been Yin Zhaohui's signature visual motif; speaking from the most fundamental, his lines in the past were altered "forms" of a "Western" quality, yet his latest expression of lines seem to be gradually liberated from "form" and marching toward a path down a flattened, decorative "bone method"  (the structural using of the brush emphasizes lines) transformation that stresses on the lines' own quality. Secondly, these expressively Chinese line are accompanied by a gradually flattened visual atmosphere in the image. At this phase, he was inspired by Japanese Ukiyo-e and China's ancient murals – an aesthetics to compress depth, delicate formal transformation and complicated visual layers into a flattened and rich mural-like image that seems imbued with history. Compared with the previously bizarre and enchanting appeal veiled beneath quaint imagery, his new works emphasize on the rustic but brilliant colors unique to ancient murals.

尹朝宇 Yin Zhaoyu

抽离 Detachment


布面油画、丙烯、拼贴 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, Collage 2018  

尹朝宇 Yin Zhaoyu

日常 Everyday


布面油画、丙烯、拼贴 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, Collage 2018  

Yin Zhaoyu's recent works  "Interior View"  no longer relies on peculiar imagery such as  "renovation/ruins" but rather lends help from layers upon layers of colors; the vividly fashionable and mottled hues, convoluted spatial structures between the "everyday" and  "surreal", floating fragments of "life's information" and more have expressed a psychological realization of our modern world's many complex language that is both flourishing and decaying, in hopes and in pain. This is exactly the reason why Yin Zhaoyu's latest paintings are not confined to a "Weischer Style" interior views; there are paintings that border on abstraction like Tribute to Auerbach, paintings that depict the outdoors filled with an air of magic, interior views of "NABIS style", and of course the unique "renovation/ruins" interior views. More importantly, no matter the imagery and expression, all of the artworks precisely capture his idiosyncrasies and passion for love. He has reached maturity in his explorations of art.


尹朝辉 Yin Zhaohui

溪山图 Mountains and Streams 

150x53cm 布面油画、木炭 Oil and Charcoal on Canvas 2018 

The so called "distance" implies an independent consciousness to be distant. First, this implies for the twin brothers a distance within "mainstream" art circle. China's "art map" has undergone continuous shifts in the ten years since 2008 as the tide rises and falls. Yin Zhaohui and Yin Zhaoyu have always kept their distance from this "mainstream". The evolution of their art has followed their own perceptions on art and life, propelled by an internal drive but not an external force. Secondly, a distance from "scenery and object". Since "Departure", both of their art have had turned away from the narrative quality that relies on "scenery and object" to a painterly quality that stresses more on "language". The progressively obscure approach is a more mature expression of their complex internal experiences. Thirdly, the distance between their styles. Though their distinct personalities were apparent even in the early stages of their career, they had yet developed a vividly unique artistic style as they both opted for the more general "imagery style". Since 2008, they have been through self-doubt, pain and transformations. In the end, they have each established their own distinct styles and unique creative systems.  

"The Distant Landscape - Exhibition of Yin Zhaohui and Yin Zhaoyu" is the second time that Asia Art Center collaborate with curator Fang Zhiling and artists Yin zhaohui, Yin Zhaoyu after "Night Walking - Group Exhibition of New Generation Artists". It is hoped that this exhibition will present the two artists' art creation and style changes through the past years.

About Curator

Fang Zhiling was born in Hubei in 1970,associate professor,bachelor of arts in Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, master of arts in Wuhan University of Technology, he is also the visiting scholar of Central Academy of Fine Arts.


When he involved in contemporary art criticism since 2007, he has published more than 50 artcriticism articles in various academical journals and books such as Art, World Art, Contemporary Art and National Arts. As a curator, he has curated a series of exhibitions in Venice, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing, Hangzhou, Xiamen and other places.


Important Curatorial Programs: "Gathering of  Masters · South Lake · The White Dew - Contemporary Chinese Exhibition" (The Art Museum of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 2018), "Gathering of  Masters · Lion Hill · Summer Solstice - Contemporary Chinese Exhibition" (The Art Museum of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 2018), "Another Aleph - Chinese and German Contemporary Art Exhibition & DE Gallery Opening Exhibition" (DE Gallery, Xiamen, 2018), "The Poetic Community - First Anniversary of Xiamen Pilot Free Trade Zone International Contemporary Art Exhibition of Xiamen" (Blanc Art Space of Xiamen International Cruise Center, Xiamen, 2016), "Buyi Buyi - Experimental Exhibition of Young Chinese Artists" (Art Museum of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, 2013), "Fengwu Ji - An Exhibition of Dialogue between Chinese and Italian Young Artists" (The Veneto Museum of Technology,Venice,2011), "Ten Cases Studies of Post-70s Art" (Hong Kong Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 2010).


Important Edited and Published Catalogues: Images on Paper - Yin Zhaoyang's Works on Paper (Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2015), Wang Jieyin (Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House, 2014), Mulan River (China Academy of Art Press, 2012), Ten Cases Studies of Post-70s Art (China Economic Publishing House, 2010) and other contemporary arts catalogues.

About Artists

Yin Zhaohui was born in Henan in 1977. In 2004, he graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently working and living in Beijing.


Selected Solo Exhibitions: "Yin Zhaohui Solo Exhibition" (Anyi Gallery, Shanghai, 2018), "Silence - Yin Zhaohui Solo Exhibition" (Piaopiao Gallery, Taipei, 2018), "Ode to the Mountain Woods - Yin Zhaohui's New Works" (Pu Art, Beijing, 2017), "Mysterious Realm of Heart - Yin Zhaohui Solo Exhibition" (Eastation Gallery, Hong Kong, 2014), "The Emulant of Soul - Yin Zhaohui Solo Exhibition" (NUO ART, Beijing, 2011).


Selected Group Exhibitions: "The Distant Landscape - Exhibition of Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018), "State of Exception" (Horizon Art Space, Beijing, 2018), "Post-Plainness" (Pu Art, Beijing, 2017), "Lesser Logic - Linguistic Encoding and Discursive Expression in Contemporary Art" (Parkview Green Art, Beijing, 2014), "Start From Here - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Central China" (Provincial Gallery of Henan - Seed Art Gallery, Zhengzhou, 2011), "Ten Cases Studies of Post-70s Art" (Hong Kong Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 2010), "Reshaping History" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2010), "Dong Gallery New Art Show" (East Street Gallery, Beijing, 2010), "Invisible Wings" (Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2010), "Erotic Make" (Shandong Art Museum, Ji'nan, 2009), "Future Sky -  Chinese Young Contemporary Artist Works Selection Exhibition" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2008), "The Revolution Continues - New Art in ChinaSaatchi Gallery, London, 2008), "Night Walking - Group Exhibition of New Generation Artists" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2008), "Opening - Summer Group Exhibition" (Aura Gallery, Beijing, 2008), "Gong Xi Fa Cai" (Aura Gallery, Beijing, 2008), "Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu Oil Painting Exhibition" (Can Art Center, Beijing, 2008), "Departure - Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu Oil Painting Exhibition" (Aura Gallery, Shanghai, 2008), "Crazy" (Aura Gallery, Shanghai, 2007), "Artists Group Exhibition" (Aura Gallery, Hong Kong, 2007).


Yin Zhaoyu was born in Henan in 1977. In 2003, he graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently working and living in Beijing.

Selected Solo Exhibitions: "Mystery" (Eastation Gallery, Hong Kong, 2013), "Airport" (Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok, 2010).

Selected Group Exhibitions: "The Distant Landscape - Exhibition of Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018), "State of Exception" (Horizon Art Space, Beijing, 2018), "Brushwork and True Feeling" (Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok, 2018), "Post-Plainness" (Pu Art, Beijing, 2017), "Invisible Wings" (Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2010), "Dong Gallery New Art Show" (East Street Gallery, Beijing, 2010), "Future Sky - Chinese Young Contemporary Artist Works Selection Exhibition" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2008), "Night Walking - Group Exhibition of New Generation Artists" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2008), "Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu Oil Painting Exhibition" (Can Art Center, Beijing, 2008), "Departure - Yin Zhaohui & Yin Zhaoyu Oil Painting Exhibition" (Aura Gallery, Shanghai, 2008), "Crazy" (Aura Gallery, Shanghai, 2007), "Artists Group Exhibition" (Aura Gallery, Hong Kong, 2007), "Dazzling World" (Hanmo Arts Gallery, Beijing, Shanghai , Guangzhou, 2004), "Power of Personality" (Hanmo Arts Gallery, Beijing, Shanghai , Guangzhou, 2003).


震旦博物馆《古往今来 - 李真个展》

亚洲艺术中心(台北二馆)《齐物 - 杭春晖个展》

